Originally, this wee gem load of thoughts was purely destined for the Not Daily Emails series – but I’ve had such a huge response in the last few hours that it’s earned its own place in the Diary.

Anyone that knows me well, or is a member of one of my monthly Coaching Projects or Facebook groups, knows I bloody love a good Pinterest inspirational pin … especially where there’s an F word or two. But I get as much inspiration out of these memes and quotes as I do from the slimy dregs at the bottom of a hot rotisserie chicken bag.

And I use that as a metaphor as I have just been fingers deep in one of those hot slimy delicious wee creatures creating tonight’s version of ‘takeaways’ – read, hot chicken, bagged slaw and some pita pockets or a thin wrap bread.
There’s also no motivation for me in those pins – nor in a lot of posts that I see online.
See I think ‘inspirational’ and ‘motivational’ are catch cries of a time when I just actually can’t be bothered.

We can’t depend on a picture or a quote or another person to inspire and motivate us.
It might work one time – but for the rest of our lives, it comes from discipline and hard work.


They are fickle and they are wavering and they are unreliable and they aren’t worth your time.

It is better for your long term health to put your effort and time into getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier.
It is better to work on drinking more water and cutting out sugary soft drinks.
Concentrate on cultivating habits that support what you are trying to build than to rely on motivation.

Today I give you my top ten reasons, and top 10 home truths, about why I believe that inspiration and motivation are bullshit and discipline is where it’s at. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle.​

  1. Inspiration is for Instagram and Pinterest. Enjoy the pretty pictures but know that they won’t get you out of bed in the morning.
  2. You won’t get the life you want sitting on your ass. If you want it, you actually have to go and get it.
  3. You can’t out-train a bad diet and you can’t outrun a negative mindset. Start with appreciating what you do for yourself, count up with the ways in which you take care of yourself and for fuck’s sake, eat like you love yourself.
  4. Your bed should be a sanctuary. You have to have a safe, special space.
  5. Question everything. Don’t believe anyone just because they are loud or they sound like they know what they are talking about. They might just believe their own bullshit. Investigate.
  6. Your body doesn’t know one fad diet from another – but your brain does. You know in the back of your mind that celery juice is bullshit. Don’t waste your energy.
  7. It’s more helpful to try and cleanse toxic people from your life than to try and cleanse your liver (hot tip – it does all the hard work itself). Be selfish with your time – your life is yours and no one else’s. People should support you in your decisions or they GTFO.
  8. Eat from a great plate. Using beautiful cutlery. Yes, meals are fuel but they are to be enjoyed too.
  9. Fall in love with yourself every damn day.
  10. Chill the fuck out. Do what you can with what you have. And if you hear me yelling RULE 10 at you, this is what I mean.



Yes, for some time you may have to force yourself. But never ever doubt you’re worth it.

