I am going to assume that you are a lot like me. You know what you should be doing but you don’t always do it.

We hover and float between I GOT GOALS and “I’ll start Monday yea?!”

What I love about being a Nutrition Coach is that I can use the mistakes I have made and the experiences that I have, along with my study and certification to help you be more of the goals getter and less of the putter-offerer.
Cos there is always another Monday but you’re better than that.

A Nutrition Coach is not a Nutritionist or a Registered Dietician.
Here in New Zealand, a Registered Dietician or Dietician is a protected term. You cannot use it unless you are a registered health professional who meets specific standards and training requirement as set by the NZ Dietitians Board. A dietitian is required to have both an undergraduate science degree in human nutrition along with a post-graduate diploma in dietetics.
A Nutritionist isn’t a protected term and therefore can be used freely by anyone because there isn’t a specific qualification or legal registration process required. A nutritionist may have a Ph.D. in a specialty area of nutrition or equally be someone providing services with no formal training. Nutritionists that meet set criteria can register with the Nutrition Society of New Zealand.

I am obviously not a Registered Dietician, nor do I believe I have the experience and training to call myself a Nutritionist.
I am a Nutrition Coach – Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Coach.

What Nutrition Coaching Isn’t.

I will not write you a meal plan.

I cannot write you a nutrition plan to assist you in recovering from an injury.

I cannot offer medical nutrition therapy, such as;

  • diabetic nutrition
  • cancer therapy nutrition
  • nutrition to treat liver disease or kidney stones
  • nutrition for clinical eating disorders (e.g., anorexia)
  • cardiovascular disease nutrition

What Nutrition Coaching Is.

I will listen to you, understand your life and your challenges.

I will work with you to assist you in setting realistic health and fitness goals.

I will help you choose foods that support your goals and your lifestyle.

I will help you reach those goals.

I will help you create an action plan which compliments who you are and what you want to do.

I will collaborate with our network of health care providers and act in your best interest.

I am also not a Personal Trainer – I have no PT certifications.
All those gym selfies you see of me on Instagram, they are purely for my own record (and enjoyment). So it doesn’t feel right for me to be giving any kind of physical activity advice other than Move. Your Body. However you are able – without pain.
I do however know some absolutely top notch PT’s and physical therapists, so if that’s what we conclude you need, we can call out to them.

With all of this in mind, know that I am here to assist you in focusing on you.
Together we can change your habits and develop new skills in mastering your day, your meal prep, your grocery list and basically, trucking through those goals you have!

I want you to understand that this change isn’t going to be fast. This isn’t an 8 Week Challenge. This isn’t the 30 Day Abs Challenge. This is real life, this is your life. What we work on together is real and it is sustainable.

I am here to help you make eating good and living strong your absolute normal.

If, after reading all of this, you’d like to see how we can work together, click HERE to contact me and I will be in touch ASAP.

