Challenge 21 is the first F45 8 Week Challenge of 2019 – and wouldn’t you know it, it bloody starts on the week that we are in Fiji!

This happened last year too and I have to be honest, I let it throw me for the whole Challenge. In fact, I’m going to be very very honest about every single Challenge I’ve started to date … I’ve started, had great intentions and absolute shit completion.
I think I’ve started to work out why and put in place some things that will help me get through this one.

Because I haven’t explained it all yet but as of today, I have 22 weeks to get in the best possible shape – both physically and mentally. I’m finally going to do something about all this loose skin on my thighs and butt. SCARY!

I thought about why I haven’t succeeded or haven’t achieved what I expected for my last challenges and it came down to some clear goals.
Chances are that if you know me, you know I am a sucker for an app and for being able to record and measure things and so with that in mind, I created a specific 8 Week Challenge Trello board:

Goals | Inspiration | Accountability

Breaking down each goals – I’ve used the following additional details;

So each goal is well laid out and I not only know what I am doing but why I am doing it.

I’ve got a girl gang (well actually more than one!) in behind me, beside me and working with me so once we get back from Fiji, its all on!

I’m excited. I’m ready. I actually can’t wait to get started and I wish I didn’t have to wait another week for the Week 2 meal plan to come out.

In the meantime, I’ve done what I can.
This morning was our last F45 workout for a week, we did our Before photos and then we went to Sculpt 360 to complete our Start of Challenge scans.
So now, for the next 7 days, I will just have major FOMO watching everyone’s Instagram Stories. But from poolside 🙂

