We started Thursday with our first F45 class for the year – All Star. A weights and resistance class, and ask anyone and most of them will say that weights days are their favourite days – I AM THE SAME!

Weights days make me feel strong and I have a wee swagger about me.

Dumb? Maybe.
But I don’t care.
I feel in control of my body and I’ve made a commitment to not rush the upping of my weights and to focus on the function of the movement and how my form is. The heavier weights will come.

Because I write my diary entries the next morning, I am just going to take the opportunity to write a little about Why January Whole 30?

I’m obviously posting photos and recipes on Instagram and they share to Facebook so I have been getting some really interesting questions about why we do an elimination/reset/cleanse/diet every January.

Elimination – yes, okay, we take out dairy and grains and legumes. The biggest part for me is saying no thanks to the alcohol (it is summer after all) and not supplementing or taking the easy way out with prepackaged or bottled sauces and thus not consuming the sugars.

Reset – maybe / Cleanse – possibly / Diet – NO.

I do not like or wish to use these words. I choose to do a Whole 30 to take CONTROL of my nutrition and to be AWARE of what I am consuming.

Is it about weight loss? Simply, no.
And there are two reasons for that and they are both to do with my head more than the size of my ass.

1. I had weight loss surgery 3 years ago – so basically I have had 3 years of living with managed eating and weighing and talking of goal weights. I’m over it. It’s time to shake off the fact I had surgery and start owning up to the fact that this is my life and I have to find the balance between the nutritious and the delicious.

2. Continual restriction gets me nowhere. In fact, I’m such a dirty rebel that I will set myself an eating plan and then I’ll have a wee conversation with myself that sees me yelling “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” in my head and binging.
So let’s not set ourselves up for that. During January I can eat what I want, from the list, in whatever quantity I need.
It helps remind me what my body requires for the amount of training that I do.

There’s also a great infographic from Precision Nutrition that illustrates how I feel about this month …

Hope these points help. If you have any questions about Whole 30 and why I choose to do it, fire them at me, you guys know I’m an open book!

Today was also the first day back at work. BOOO HISSS.
And I’m pretty much the only one online. I can work from home so that’s pretty sweet however I still have a list of stuff to get through. So after breakfast, I got on to that.

Breakfast – Meal One – Avocado with Scrambled Egg and Slaw.

I also had time to think, and write down my goals for 2019. One of them is to sort out my bloody home office. Our study.
We have F All storage at the Zoo House so it becomes a dumping ground for stuff. Exhibit A … my starting point.

And finishing the desk – and the bottom shelves …

The rest is tomorrow’s job.

So I lunched at my desk to catch up on most of my work tasks. Bagged slaw (Vital Immunity with Coriander AND celery is my fav) is honestly sent from the gods. Makes lunch so so so freaking easy.

Lunch – Meal Two – Shredded Chicken and Slaw

Dinner – Meal Three – Chicken and Bacon Rosa Zoodles

… and there may have been a few raspberries for desert. Well they have to be eaten right?? And after talking to a few other F45’ers, I reckon we are going to need the energy for our new workout tomorrow – really really really looking forward to Abacus!

But for now, take care of you,
t X

