Before we start, I know that there is a world of people out there who think that taking selfies is being a bit up yourself.
That it is uncool or whatever to post outfit photographs on social media or heavens forbid, to blog about them.  At one time, I might have been one of those people however I have come to appreciate selfies not only as a way of documenting all the change in my face and body but also in how I see myself.  And how much I like myself.  And after 40 years of not liking myself at all, its a nice change.


I was never massively into fashion.  Nothing really really pretty fitted me anyways so what was the point?
Until City Chic came along, and possibly Autograph, the only sections I spent any time in were down the back of Farmers and The Warehouse and the Sara catalogue from Ezibuy. And that was okay.  Clothes were to keep my body covered and that was it.

The last six months have changed all that!  And I possibly have an addiction transfer – to shopping – but shit I’m good at it!  I once wore a tight size 26 trouser.  I just bought size 8’s.  The size doesn’t really matter, its the variety and the choice that I now have.  So what to wear???
I know what I like when it comes to clothes and outfits but I wouldn’t have said I have style.  Well I have my own kind of look I guess – a bit preppy, hopefully a little rock with a fuck tonne of active wear thrown in.  And I’ve worked this out thanks to a few Instagram style challenges that I’ve found or been invited into via friends.  I was looking back through my iPhone the other day and reckoned that although it would make an incredibly self indulgent blog post, it was also good to see how things have changed.  So here we go.

#sisterhoodofstyle – August 2016
My first real foray into outfit posts – and how uncomfortable did I feel?!Allergic to Sugar Style - Aug 2016 - #sisterhoodofstyle

I learned I didn’t especially like cardigans.  Except on the weekends.
And that a proper bra fitting was imperative, actually made me feel physically better and looked so much better!
And I found the best trousers, they are actually called Perfect Pants.  Glassons – less than $30.00

The Rule Breakers Club – Forbidden Pairs – November 2016
I missed the first day of this challenge and the last couple.  Weekends I reckon 🙂
I promised myself I would do better next time around but what a huge change in my wardrobe!  I think there is about 3-4 sizes in clothing difference between this and the challenge before, plus I have been working full time and finally getting paid so I’ve been able to sell a lot of stuff on TradeMe and buy some new pieces.  I’ve discovered I love big sunglasses, chunky jewellery and unlikely pairings.

Allergic to Sugar Style - Aug 2016 - #forbiddenpairs

Summer Style File – December 2016
There are a couple of friends that I do these challenges with on Instagram and Stephie sent me this one through.  Love that it runs for a couple of weeks and that I can do it over the weekend.  It also happened to coincide with a girls trip to Wellington, with none other than my shopping enabler and style guru Carol so guess what we did.  Yes, we went shopping!

This month isn’t over yet but I’m finding I spend less time worrying about my pairings, I have less I want to get rid of and I’m following more style bloggers each week!

Allergic to Sugar Style - Dec 2016 - #summerstylefile

So be prepared for a new section in my monthly Currently posts.  I’m not turning into a style blogger, more just blogging about the styles I’ve found for me that I like.

